Inequity by design: What do we mean when we say “we need more housing”?

Morgan Witt Sin categorizar

“Austin has recognized the fact that the building of a modern, efficient city is more than a mere accident and that the best advantages are available only when a good city plan has been adopted, and a program provided which will suggest certain re-adjustments and the co-ordination of the future improvements.” (A City Plan for Austin, Texas, 1928, pg. 6) As kids, we’re presented with a common narrative: the middle class American dream. Go to school, graduate from college, get …

Volver a los orígenes: Crear un Austin que todos merecemos

administrator Sin categorizar

Una pandemia global y un movimiento contemporáneo de derechos civiles ambos han hecho indiscutible que la experiencia divertida que Austin tanto promociona no es la experiencia de todos. No solo vamos de mal en peor; hemos andado por este camino por tanto tiempo que estamos apunto de quedar como Thelma y Louise.

AIC Political Forum

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A discussion on housing issues with City Council Candidates Morgan Witt (D7 Candidate) and David Chincanchan (D2 Candidate).